Ayurveda considers that
a person is pmade up of 5 primary
Elements. These are Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. While
people are composite of these five elements, certain elements
have the ability and combine to create various physiological
functions. For example, ether and air combine to form what
is known in Ayurveda as the VATA dosha. Vata
governs movement and can be seen as the force which
directs nerve impulses, circulation, respiration
and elimination. Fire and Water combine to form PITTA
dosha. Pitta is the process of transformation or
metabolism. The transformation of foods into nutrients
that our bodies can
assimilatre is an example of a pitta function.
Finally Water and earth elements combine to form the KAPHA
dosha. Kapha is responsible for growth and adding structure
unit by unit, it also offers protection. Cerebral-spinal
fluid protects the brain and spinal column and is a type
of Kapha
found in the body. Ayurveda states that humans are maded
up of unique proportions of Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas.
vary in each individual. Ayurveda suggests specific lifestyle
and nutritional guidelines to assist the person in reducing
the dosha that has become excessive, therefore bringing
back balance to the body mind and spirit. Ayurveda also
certain hebal supplements as all therapies are based
solely on herbs and herbal compounds. Ayurvedic Massages are close to guaranteed remedies as
they help the body to relieve itself of excess fluids, toxins,
i improve eyesight, longevity, induce sound sleeps, help
relieve rheumatism, bringing about vitality and glowing skin.